How do you bill for your services?
To a large degree, you control what you are billed. Since we bill by the hour, the quality of your records or the difficulty level of your engagement will dictate the total fee. We move work down to the level necessary to properly complete it. But, all work is reviewed by a shareholder or manager before completion. Anytime we have circumvented this procedure to save fees, it has caused quality problems. So, it is not worth it to you or us to compromise these procedures to save costs.
We try to bill the month after the project is completed but if the project takes considerable time, spread over multiple months, we will progress bill for the work performed through the month.
What hours are you available?
Our offices are generally open between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (MST), Monday through Friday. We are closed most holidays and for a few days after April 15. You can make special arrangements to meet with us at other times if a weekend or later evening is necessary for your schedule
What role do you play if the IRS audits me?
Corne Jantz & Associates has significant experience representing taxpayers successfully before the IRS and other taxing authorities. We consider our firm an advocate for our clients and need to be prepared to defend anything we put on a return.
How much and what kind of preparation do you need for my return?
We consider all data left with us as original copies and return the same after we have copied and/or processed it. When we process tax returns for clients, we appreciate it if they can send us the bulk of their tax data and not wait on the last few pieces. If we have processed your individual return before, we will mail you a "pro-forma organizer" to use in gathering your current data with reminders of categories you had in the prior year.